Navigating a car accident where both you and the other driver share the blame can be tricky. In Colorado, a specific law might impact your eligible compensation if you’re found partially at fault. This guide, written by our skilled Denver car accident lawyers, will help you understand the essentials, particularly if you’ve been hurt in a crash.

What does it mean to be partially at fault?
Sometimes, more than one person contributes to causing a car accident. In Colorado, you can still get some money for your damages if you are less than 50% responsible for the accident. However, the amount of money you can get from your insurance claim will be less based on how much at fault you are.
For instance, if it’s determined that you are 30% at fault in an accident with $10,000 in damages, you can only claim 70% of that amount, which would be $7,000. Giving your insurance all the correct details is important because mistakes can increase your fault percentage.
In Colorado, you cannot recover compensation for a car accident in which you are 50% or more at fault. |
How does insurance decide who’s at fault?
Various pieces of evidence are reviewed to determine who’s at fault in an accident where two or more parties share blame. Police, insurance companies, and sometimes courts examine police reports, statements from people who saw the accident, footage from traffic cameras, and other physical evidence.
Legal implications of being partially at fault
The same rules apply if you take the matter to court in a personal injury lawsuit. The money you might get can decrease if the court finds you partially responsible for the accident. A good lawyer ensures your case is presented clearly and fairly.
Advice on handling a claim when you’re partly at fault
- Keep detailed records – Save everything related to the accident, such as photos, medical records, and any messages or emails with your insurance company.
- Get legal help – Talk to a lawyer who knows how to handle cases where blame is shared. Zara Injury Law has lawyers who can help guide you through the process and work to get you the best outcome.
- Watch what you say – Be careful about what you tell insurance companies and others involved. What you say can affect how much fault is assigned to you.
- Know the rules – To better navigate your claim, ensure you understand the local traffic laws and how the fault rules work.
Hurt in a crash? We’re ready to help.
Just because you’re partly at fault in a car accident in Colorado doesn’t mean you can’t get any compensation. However, the amount you can claim will be less, depending on how much of the accident was your fault. Knowing the rules about fault and having a good lawyer will help you manage these tricky situations. If you need specific advice for your case, contacting Zara Injury Law is a great next step. Contact us online or call (866) 823-8288 to schedule your free consultation today.